7 Garlic Sauce Recipes (for Bread, Minced Meat, and Meat) Simple Homemade Garlic Sauce

7 Garlic Sauce Recipes (for Bread, Minced Meat, and Meat)
Simple Homemade Garlic Sauce
This versatile recipe enhances pasta dishes or makes a delightful snack accompaniment. It’s easy to prepare and bursting with flavor.
- 1 cup cold milk
- 3 cloves garlic
- Salt, to taste
- Oregano, to taste
- Oil, to taste
- In a blender, combine milk and a splash of oil.
- Blend until smooth and homogeneous.
- Add salt, oregano, and garlic cloves; blend until fully incorporated.
- Transfer the sauce to a bowl.
For Barbecues
This thicker variation is perfect for garlic bread due to its rich flavor and aroma.
- 1 cup cold milk
- 3 cloves garlic
- Salt, to taste
- Oil, to taste
- Oregano, to taste
- Paprika, to taste
- Follow the same method as the previous recipe.
- After transferring the sauce to a bowl, stir in paprika until well mixed.
With Sour Cream
Enjoy this creamy sauce with a hint of lemon, perfect for various dishes.